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Snowflake setup

profiles.yml file is for CLI users only

If you're using dbt Cloud, you don't need to create a profiles.yml file. This file is only for CLI users. To connect your data platform to dbt Cloud, refer to About data platforms.

  • Maintained by: dbt Labs
  • Authors: core dbt maintainers
  • GitHub repo: dbt-labs/dbt-snowflake
  • PyPI package: dbt-snowflake
  • Slack channel: #db-snowflake
  • Supported dbt Core version: v0.8.0 and newer
  • dbt Cloud support: Supported
  • Minimum data platform version: n/a

Installing dbt-snowflake

Use pip to install the adapter, which automatically installs dbt-core and any additional dependencies. Use the following command for installation:

python -m pip install dbt-snowflake

Configuring dbt-snowflake

For Snowflake-specific configuration, please refer to Snowflake configs.

Authentication Methods

User / Password authentication

Snowflake can be configured using basic user/password authentication as shown below.

target: dev
type: snowflake
account: [account id]

# User/password auth
user: [username]
password: [password]

role: [user role]
database: [database name]
warehouse: [warehouse name]
schema: [dbt schema]
threads: [1 or more]
client_session_keep_alive: False
query_tag: [anything]

# optional
connect_retries: 0 # default 0
connect_timeout: 10 # default: 10
retry_on_database_errors: False # default: false
retry_all: False # default: false
reuse_connections: False # default: false (available v1.4+)

User / Password + DUO MFA authentication

Snowflake integrates the DUO Mobile app to add 2-Factor authentication to basic user/password as seen below.

target: dev
type: snowflake
account: [account id]

# User/password auth
user: [username]
password: [password]
authenticator: username_password_mfa

role: [user role]
database: [database name]
warehouse: [warehouse name]
schema: [dbt schema]
threads: [1 or more]
client_session_keep_alive: False
query_tag: [anything]

# optional
connect_retries: 0 # default 0
connect_timeout: 10 # default: 10
retry_on_database_errors: False # default: false
retry_all: False # default: false
reuse_connections: False # default: false (available v1.4+)

Along with adding the authenticator parameter, be sure to run alter account set allow_client_mfa_caching = true; in your Snowflake warehouse. Together, these will allow you to easily verify authenatication with the DUO Mobile app (skipping this results in push notifications for every model built on every dbt run).

Key Pair Authentication

To use key pair authentication, omit a password and instead provide a private_key_path and, optionally, a private_key_passphrase in your target. Note: Versions of dbt before 0.16.0 required that private keys were encrypted and a private_key_passphrase was provided. This behavior was changed in dbt v0.16.0.

Starting from dbt v1.5.0, you have the option to use a private_key string instead of a private_key_path. The private_key string should be in either Base64-encoded DER format, representing the key bytes, or a plain-text PEM format. Refer to Snowflake documentation for more info on how they generate the key.

target: dev
type: snowflake
account: [account id]
user: [username]
role: [user role]

# Keypair config
private_key_path: [path/to/private.key]
# or private_key instead of private_key_path
private_key_passphrase: [passphrase for the private key, if key is encrypted]

database: [database name]
warehouse: [warehouse name]
schema: [dbt schema]
threads: [1 or more]
client_session_keep_alive: False
query_tag: [anything]

# optional
connect_retries: 0 # default 0
connect_timeout: 10 # default: 10
retry_on_database_errors: False # default: false
retry_all: False # default: false
reuse_connections: False # default: false

SSO Authentication

To use SSO authentication for Snowflake, omit a password and instead supply an authenticator config to your target. authenticator can be one of 'externalbrowser' or a valid Okta URL.

Refer to the following tabs for more info and examples:

target: dev
type: snowflake
account: [account id] # Snowflake <account_name>
user: [username] # Snowflake username
role: [user role] # Snowflake user role

# SSO config
authenticator: externalbrowser

database: [database name] # Snowflake database name
warehouse: [warehouse name] # Snowflake warehouse name
schema: [dbt schema]
threads: [between 1 and 8]
client_session_keep_alive: False
query_tag: [anything]

# optional
connect_retries: 0 # default 0
connect_timeout: 10 # default: 10
retry_on_database_errors: False # default: false
retry_all: False # default: false
reuse_connections: False # default: false

Note: By default, every connection that dbt opens will require you to re-authenticate in a browser. The Snowflake connector package supports caching your session token, but it currently only supports Windows and Mac OS.

Refer to the Snowflake docs for info on how to enable this feature in your account.


The "base" configs for Snowflake targets are shown below. Note that you should also specify auth-related configs specific to the authentication method you are using as described above.

All configurations

accountYesThe account to connect to as per Snowflake's documentation. See notes below
userYesThe user to log in as
databaseYesThe database that dbt should create models in
warehouseYesThe warehouse to use when building models
schemaYesThe schema to build models into by default. Can be overridden with custom schemas
roleNo (but recommended)The role to assume when running queries as the specified user.
client_session_keep_aliveNoIf True, the snowflake client will keep connections for longer than the default 4 hours. This is helpful when particularly long-running queries are executing (> 4 hours). Default: False (see note below)
threadsNoThe number of concurrent models dbt should build. Set this to a higher number if using a bigger warehouse. Default=1
query_tagNoA value with which to tag all queries, for later searching in QUERY_HISTORY view
retry_allNoA boolean flag indicating whether to retry on all Snowflake connector errors
retry_on_database_errorsNoA boolean flag indicating whether to retry after encountering errors of type snowflake.connector.errors.DatabaseError
connect_retriesNoThe number of times to retry after an unsuccessful connection
connect_timeoutNoThe number of seconds to sleep between failed connection retries
reuse_connectionsNoA boolean flag indicating whether to reuse idle connections to help reduce total connections opened. Default is False.


For AWS accounts in the US West default region, you can use abc123 (without any other segments). For some AWS accounts you will have to append the region and/or cloud platform. For example, or For GCP and Azure-based accounts, you have to append the region and cloud platform, such as gcp or azure, respectively. For example, For details, see Snowflake's documentation: "Specifying Region Information in Your Account Hostname". Please also note that the Snowflake account name should only be the <account_name> without the prefixed <organization_name>. Relevant documentation: "Account Identifier Formats by Cloud Platform and Region".


The client_session_keep_alive feature is intended to keep Snowflake sessions alive beyond the typical 4 hour timeout limit. The snowflake-connector-python implementation of this feature can prevent processes that use it (read: dbt) from exiting in specific scenarios. If you encounter this in your deployment of dbt, please let us know in the GitHub issue, and work around it by disabling the keepalive.


Query tags are a Snowflake parameter that can be quite useful later on when searching in the QUERY_HISTORY view.


The retry_on_database_errors flag along with the connect_retries count specification is intended to make retries configurable after the snowflake connector encounters errors of type snowflake.connector.errors.DatabaseError. These retries can be helpful for handling errors of type "JWT token is invalid" when using key pair authentication.


The retry_all flag along with the connect_retries count specification is intended to make retries configurable after the snowflake connector encounters any error.